Building communities from the
ground up
A community is a group of people that share agreed-upon experiences, values, and capital. They are what we naturally seek in any aspect of our social lives - through work, school, interests, and cultural and family ties.
Over the past 10 years, my diverse experiences both personally and professionally have taught me that the most valuable way to enact change is to start from the roots of any potential group - and build the community up from the original organizers, to a thriving network of people with purpose.
Valuing each role in working together
One of the best parts of working on building communities is admiring and amplifying everyone’s natural talents. We all play a role in building a unified mission, and producing the best contributions takes work.
Weaving together the social fabric from individual to individual is key to the sustainability and longevity of the overarching community. Together, all the programs, events, partnerships become on in unison for achieving any organization’s goals, mission, and vision.